Here’s a list of answers to some of the questions you may have. Feel free to contact us using the form below or email us if you have specific questions not answered here.
What’s the ‘vibe’ of the tour like?
Our trips are relaxed and friendly. We’re into enjoying the people and places we encounter on our route while respecting the environment. We’re not hard-core partiers. Check out our About Us page to read more about our philosophy.
Those dates don’t suit me, are there alternatives?
We can definitely look at shifting the dates if there are at least four riders available for your preferred time.
How many spaces are there?
Our maximum group size is 6 riders. This excludes partners or friends who will be riding with you.
Are the bikes suitable for shorter riders?
The standard seat height for our bikes is 850cm. We can lower the seat height to suit most shorter riders.
Can I bring my own bike?
Yes, you are welcome to use your own bike and we’ll apply a discount off the tour price. Bikes that can maintain a minimum cruising speed of around 100 km/hr and can handle good gravel roads are welcome. Use of our spare bike in case of a non-repairable breakdown will be preferentially for those riding our supplied bikes.
Can I bring my non-riding partner / friend?
Yes. The bikes are well-suited to riding two-up, you could also ride in the support vehicle. See the trip page for costs.
How do I book a spot?
Email us and we’ll book you a place. We require a 30% deposit to secure your place.
How challenging will the riding be?
The mix of tar and gravel roads varies with the trips. We highly recommend you have some gravel road experience or take an off-road riding course before you come. It will make the riding much more enjoyable. If you’re relatively new to adventure motorcycling and want to take things slow and easy we can tailor both the route and the pace to suit you.
Most of the gravel roads we will be riding are generally in good condition as Namibia’s ‘C’ roads usually are. Some sections have a washboard or corrugated surface and some light sand.
Are there options for each day?
We can choose various route options most days. We can take the direct tar roads, or explore the gravel roads in the area. We have the option of deciding together the exact route for each day.
What about fuel?
The cost of fuel is not included in the price. However, we will make sure we stay well in range of fuel stations and bring along extra fuel if necessary
What will the weather be like?
It will be mid-winter in this area so we can expect dry conditions (except for Cape Town which is quite likely to be cool and wet). Otherwise we can expect cool mornings (around 7-10 degrees C) and warmer temperatures towards mid day. Temperatures will increase as we travel north without becoming too hot.
Do I need visas?
At present none of the countries we will be visiting require visas for UK, USA and Canadian passport holders. Please check the latest requirements well before you leave. The borders we will cross are relatively hassle-free and straightforward.
What insurance do I need?
We strongly recommend the purchase of comprehensive travel insurance, covering trip cancellation for medical reasons; trip delay; medical expenses; accidental death; lost baggage; medical evacuation etc. We can assist you with purchasing additional personal insurance to cover the adventure activities we’ll be doing.
Is the area safe to travel in?
In the areas we will be visiting we have experienced friendly and welcoming people. There are no high risk areas near our route. The biggest safety concern is collision with animals crossing the road which is why we never ride at night and will be briefing you on what precautions to take.
What language issues are there?
You’ll encounter people speaking Afrikaans and a range of local dialects which we encourage you to try! English is understood and spoken throughout our route and the tour guides will help you where there are any language issues.
What health precautions are there?
North of Windhoek we travel through areas where there may be malaria. If you’re joining us for that part of the trip we recommend the use mosquito repellant and a good malaria prophylaxis.
What’s the food and water like?
The food is generally similar to what you’ll find in Europe and North America. We’ll be eating mostly in lodge restaurants which serve excellent food for a very affordable price. Other local food sources include good supermarkets and fast food outlets (which we’l try and avoid…)
Bottled water is easily obtainable and is a good idea to use when outside of the main cities which have clean drinking water. If you’re really in doubt then the beer at least is excellent!
What must I bring along?
Passport – valid for at least 6 months after you arrive. Check on visa requirements for your specific country.
Your current motorcycle licence. We also recommend you bring an International motorcycle drivers license / permit. Your local Automobile Association can help with advice on that.
Clothing and Equipment
Luggage – a maximum of two standard suitcases per person and a small rucksack or money belt to carry your wallet and small items needed while riding.
Riding Kit – Helmets are mandatory in South Africa. Tinted visors are legal and can be worn. Helmets, gloves, protective jackets and at least jeans to be worn at all times while riding. We also highly recommend good ear plugs to reduce wind noise. We may encounter some rain on our first day out of Cape Town so bring rain proof kit if you want.
Clothes: the temperatures can drop to around 7-10 degrees C in the evenings through to early-morning. Things warm up considerably during the day. Te places we are staying at have a relaxed, casual dress code.
Navigation kit: You can attach your GPS to the bike if you bring the swivel ball mounting arm. Make sure you have the relevant regional maps loaded.
Personal electronics: The bikes are fitted with 12V USB chargers to keep your phone, GPS etc charged. You’ll probably want a good camera with you too.
Medical Kit: we will have a basic medications and a first aid kit with us. Bring with you any additional items you may need.
Got any more questions? Email us and we’ll be happy to help.