Our fleet of 23 reliable Honda’s are great at handling whatever the African road may bring.

Our standard and custom itineraries have been forged to give you an amazing experience all the way through.

We’re not just racing to get somewhere - if there’s an unnecessary detour to somewhere interesting we’ll probably take it!

We value true mateship with our riding companions and our adventure community is growing.

We offer reliability with flexibility – you can trust the schedule and cost outlines, but every day will still bring a nice surprise!

With our experience, insider knowledge, logistics support and backup crew you’ll have peace of mind.

Models & Rates

Honda CRF1000L

1-3 days R 2 200.00 per day
4-6 days R 2 000.00 per day
7+days R 1 800.00 per day

Honda Transalp 750 (2023-2024)

1-3 days R 2 200.00 per day
4-6 days
R 2 000.00 per day
R 1 800.00 per day

Honda NX500

1-3 days R 1 950.00 per day
4-6 days
R 1 750.00 per day
R 1 500.00 per day

Included: 15% VAT and insurance - 450km per day
Excluded: Damage deposit of ZAR 15 000 & Fuel

Get in touch
Contact us today to chat or book your tour, or simply fill in our contact form and we’ll contact you.
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Pickup Date and Time
Dropoff Date and Time
Preferred Motorcycle
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